Bart van der Storm

The Evolution of Global Payroll: Time for a New Breed of Payroll Leaders

Global payroll is getting a makeover, whether Finance and HR are ready for it or not. As multinational organizations scramble to keep up with advancements in technology, the introduction of artificial intelligence, and increasing customer demands, the transformation we’re witnessing is profound. But it doesn’t stop there.

The internal transformation taking place in payroll may not be getting mainstream attention. Still, it is happening at a faster rate than any of us could have predicted, thanks to globalization.

The world is becoming more interconnected, and the rise of remote work has transformed traditional processes and frameworks in global payroll. This transformation is driven by the need for streamlined operations, compliance with diverse regulations, and the growing complexity of managing a dispersed workforce.

As global payroll continues to change, it demands a new type of professional who possesses technical knowledge and strong leadership skills to successfully navigate the challenges ahead. These professionals must be adept at managing a highly complex and multifaceted payroll system, while also ensuring full compliance with all relevant regulations around the world.

The rapid expansion of multinational organizations

One of the primary reasons behind the makeover of global payroll is the rapid expansion of multinational corporations (MNCs).

MNCs may have started small (think Uber), but today, they are large enterprises that operate across borders, engaging employees from diverse cultural backgrounds and navigating through complex regulatory environments.

Consequently, managing payroll across multiple jurisdictions becomes increasingly intricate, demanding a more sophisticated approach. That presents great opportunities for any payroll professional who wants to build a long, sustainable, growth-oriented career, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

From differing tax regulations to varying labor laws and more intangible obstacles like cultural biases, global payroll professionals must adeptly navigate through a labyrinth of complexities while ensuring compliance and accuracy.

Moreover, the normalization of remote work, accelerated by technological advancements and recent global events, has further underscored the need for a revamped global payroll process.

These challenges are particularly pronounced in large organizations that use outdated payroll processes and lack the necessary tools, training, and guidance. Furthermore, company employees have higher expectations of their payroll experience, which can further burden the payroll team with new demands that regular policies may not be equipped to handle.

As a payroll professional with prior experience spanning two decades of leading large teams in some of the world’s biggest international brands, I’ve seen firsthand the negative impact that an outdated payroll process can have on a team.

What modern corporate employees want

Modern workers, especially millennials and Gen Z, prioritize transparency, flexibility, and personalized experiences in their employment journey. They expect timely and accurate payments, alongside easy access to payroll-related information.

Many payroll professionals feel that their organization falls short of meeting the expectations of their employees. Can you relate?

To keep up with the increasing employee expectations, organizations must invest in innovative payroll technologies, strategies, and practices. This also requires empowering payroll professionals in new ways, enabling them to implement and manage the new changes efficiently.

If we take a step back and view the ongoing changes in the payroll industry from a wider perspective, it becomes crystal clear that the role of global payroll professionals must undergo a significant paradigm shift. In addition to technical expertise in payroll processing and compliance, today’s payroll professionals must be equipped with strong leadership skills to navigate their teams through the ever-changing landscape of the industry. They must be capable of leading their teams with a steady and firm yet flexible hand through the uncertainties and challenges that arise.

Today’s global payroll professionals must acquire and improve certain skills and awaken specific character traits if they wish to achieve career success and experience fulfillment.

Skills such as effective communication, strategic thinking, and adaptability are no longer just desirable traits but essential competencies for success in this evolving landscape.

Why this shift matters

Firstly, the modern-day global payroll professional must be able to inspire and motivate their team amidst evolving challenges. Whether it’s adapting to new technologies or navigating regulatory changes, effective leadership fosters resilience and innovation within the payroll department.

The second point to consider is that payroll leaders should possess a strong desire to learn, improve, and take complete ownership of the entire payroll process. Most payroll leaders tend to limit their responsibility to crunching numbers and approving payroll, which falls short of the requirements.

In today’s business landscape, where data-driven insights play a crucial role, modern payroll professionals must not only learn to leverage the power of analytics but also work with the right tools across different departments. They must adopt a more comprehensive view of the payroll process that begins right from the hiring stage.

In my new book, I delve into this new approach in great detail and explain the significant shift in mindset required to achieve it.

Additionally, in a globalized workforce, cultural intelligence and cross-cultural communication skills are indispensable for global payroll leaders. Understanding and respecting diverse perspectives not only fosters inclusivity but also facilitates smoother operations across borders.


As organizations continue to expand globally, embrace remote work, and prioritize employee experience, the role of payroll professionals becomes increasingly complex and multifaceted.

Things are certainly different from when I first got into the game of payroll. And yet, the principles that helped me grow a thriving career, evolve, adapt, reinvent my career, and successfully build a global payroll consulting firm remain pretty intact.

That’s why I decided to share some of the hard-learned lessons and the leadership hacks I’ve used to forge what has turned into a very successful and sustainable global payroll career. Whether you’re just getting started in your payroll role, looking to get out of a slump or want to improve the payroll process within your organization, the ideas shared in my payrollmind book will help you thrive in this high-pressure, high-stakes environment.

You can be among the new breed of global payroll professionals who combine technical expertise with strong leadership skills. If you can cultivate the right qualities, you can become a sought after payroll professional helping reshape the future of global payroll.

Are you ready to transform your role?